Why you need Omega 3

Category: Health Articles

Why you need Omega 3Omega-3 fatty acids are “pleasant fats” that are significant for general health wellness. Like vitamins and minerals of Canadian Health&Care Mall, omega-3 must be supplied by our diet as it is not manufactured by our bodies themselves. EPA and DHA are the active forms of omega-3 demanded by the body to manufacture living functions.
Omega-3 (EPA & DHA) function in the body
– Advances cardiovascular health
– Decreases inflammation
– Maintains mental focus & cognitive function
– Maintains positive mood & emotional well-being
– Advances brain, eye, & nervous system health
– Maintains healthy immune system function
– Improves appearance of skin and hair
– Advances optimal fat metabolism
Some amount of dietary habits, such as the distributed usaage of vegetable cooking oils (omega-6), industrial milling, and the reduced intake of fish (omega-3), have made a contribution to an omega-3 defect, or disbalance, in the diets of many North Americans. As made a comparison to the inherited diet of Neo-Palaeolithic humans, omega-3 intake has decreased 20 fold from an every day consumption of 3.0 grams down to a meager 0.15 grams. At the same time omega-6 intake has increased harshly, far exceeding the advised daily consumption.
A reduced amount of omega-3 respectively to omega-6 in the diet outcomes in an enhanced risk of advanced disease. Specialists generally recommend that we take more omega-3 and less omega-6.

Why you need Omega 3